I Feel ...
Happy - For the way things are turning out on the professional front. I have proved myself at work and got a good name as well ... Peaceful - The way my life goes as of today by the grace of GOD Enthusiastic - About attending one of my college mate’s marriage. Our entire college gang will be re-uniting in that marriage. It will be fun Impatient - Waiting for Feb 7th to come, so that I can see all my college friends. Breathless - After seeing "Slumdog Millionaire". They have shown the ugly side of Mumbai in a realistic way. Silly - When I told all my colleagues that my dentist has asked me not to take "cocaine" for two months, instead of "caffeine". They all laughed non-stop after that comment. Worried - About something, which I don’t know what it is, but worrying... Satisfied - With my new Blackberry Bold. It’s cool and sexy. Nagged - By severe eye irritation, due to lack of sleep. Work is very hectic nowadays. Excited - I generally don’t get exc...