Anything is Possible ...

Kavya was very tired today and hence decided to sleep for some more time, Varun by then had already got up and did the morning routines which normally would be done by Kavya, he took the milk packet which was lying outside the house and put it in the stove, he took a long time to think what to cook for today's lunch and finally he took the cabbage and onion out of the refregirator, while he was thinking he did not notice that the milk has already peeped out of the walls of the container and had played an ugly scene on the gas stove by then. He somehow managed to make a cup of tea for himself, and then cleaned the gas stove, by now the time was 6:45, normally if Kavya would have been up, Varun would have dressed himself tip-top to get to work and will be waiting on the dinner table demanding for breakfast.

Varun started cutting the vegetables and tried to cook something in the way he knows, he had cut the cabbage in all possible sizes and shape and managed to get hold of a kadai to fry it, and cut onions and decided to make sambar, now the time is 7:15, normally by this time he would have had his breakfast and would be browsing that day's newspaper. He put both of them on the stove and decided to take a quick shower by then, but he did not knew the fact that even sambar could peep out of the container, when he came back to the kitchen, it was a mix up of that over heated smell and a mess of all that sambar back on the gas stove, for once he peeped into his bedroom, Kavya was still sleeping, he too does not want to disturb her.

He somehow managed to finish the cooking and it was 7:40 by then, and he should have been in his car by now. He still has to clean all those dirty vessels and pack the prepared food in his lunch box and stuff the same into Kavya's lunch box, he is normally used to the fashion of his tupperware being kept on the dining table and he would happily lift that one to work, when he was about to stuff them, he realized that the tiffin boxes were not cleaned, so he had to take another extra 15 minutes to clean that and stuff the food, even now Kavya was happily sleeping. Varun still not wanted to wake her up, but he made sure that she is feeling well by touching her forehead and checking if she has any fever or something, but it's all normal. He then took his laptop bag and came rushing down to the basement to take his car, then he realized that he forgot his car keys, which by all means would have been stuffed into his hand if Kavya would have been awake, he then have to rush back to his 4th floor and took his car keys and atlast departed to work by 8:30 which is very late as per his standards.

The next day morning Kavya was as usually back to her business and she asked Varun what to make for lunch, he promptly replied "Anything is fine, i can take it", which is a very rare statement from Varun, as he used to be very choosy with his food and always comments on her cooking, also he took his ironed shirts, pant, inner wears, laptop, car keys and the spare house key, polished shoes and a pair of socks, a tie, a hand kerchief in a seperate place and then went for his bath, by now Kavya told herself that, she pretending as if she was sleeping yesterday, has really done the trick and felt so proud of her husband, who has just turned "responsible".

This story is for all husbands who demand their wives, who inturn work for a company, and also have to leave to work on time, so just share their morning workload and be an example for a "Perfect Couple" in this society.


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